Hi, I'm Zahra.
I'm an animal lover, healer, and communicator.
My passion and joy are to bring awareness and insight to you; and healing for your animal companion. My support focuses on all aspects of your companion, both on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level.
Whether your animal is sick, in pain, injured, has what we humans call “behavioural issues”, getting old, or is close to the time of passing over. My intention is to help, heal, support, and guide you both through the process.
I currently live in the northern rivers with my 5 beautiful companion greyhounds.
My Story
Ever since I was a little girl, animals have been near and dear to my heart. My connection to nature, the animal kingdom, has always been strong and full of love and wonder…
I spent my early childhood in Africa, Kenya, where my favorite thing was when my parents would take me on safaris. I absolutely loved being out on the Masai Mara amongst the amazing and magical wildlife and nature.
When I was of school age, my mom brought my sister and me back to Denmark to start schooling there. The classroom was not a happy place for me. I spent most of my school days dreaming of being elsewhere, usually back on the Masai Mara amongst the magic of the wild lions, zebras, elephants, giraffes, and all the other amazing animals that I loved.
I was delighted when I got my first animal companion at the age of 6, it was the sweetest yellow Budgerigar, I named her Pipi. For the first time, I felt like I had a close friend. One I could trust and who understood me. Thankfully my mother understood my love and strong connection with animals, and not long after, Pipi, my first cat Cirkaline came into my life. Pipi and Cirkaline were my best friends and the ones I felt loved, safe, and accepted by. They both took my love for animals to the next level.
Many animals came into our family since then, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, and our beautiful Swiss Mountain dog Herbie. It was a dream come true when I got my first pony, Marengs. As a teenager, I spent every moment I could with him. We would spend hours riding in the woods, lazing and playing around in the fields, and picking cherries from the cherry trees together (he was my very stable ladder).
There was no doubt in my heart that I wanted to spend my life being around and working with animals. I spoke their language, and they spoke mine. My dreams quickly became shattered, when I discovered how many years of school I had to attend, the subjects I had to study to be able to “work” with animals, whether it be veterinarian or biologist, and really, none of the so-called jobs descriptions seemed to “fit” in with how I saw myself living and working with animals.
At the age of 18, I decided to leave the confined walls of the classroom and get a job to save up so I could go traveling. Two years later, I was on a plane destined for Costa Rica in Central America, where I got my first volunteer job at an Animal Rescue Centre. Here I got the opportunity to work with some amazing animals, such as Howler monkeys, Toucans, Scarlet Macaws, and other beautiful and exotic animals.
My favorite place was a rescue center for Ocelots and Margays. Both wild cats are native to central and south America. This small rescue center was located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica in the middle of nowhere. I got to work with 2 passionate biologists and the vets when they came for routine checks. We had around 30 wild cats, a spider monkey, a little grey fox, and a very cheeky Coati.
After spending a year in Costa Rica, my traveling adventures continued to Australia. Here I volunteered at a Koala sanctuary near Brisbane. I got to meet and work with some of the iconic animals native to Australia, such as koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and my all-time favorite Rubert the red-tail black cockatoo.
As I traveled around Australia and met interesting people and beautiful animals, I still didn’t feel any closer to how I could actually work and help animals on a “professional level”…..it all required years of study, and none of the so-called job descriptions resonated with me.
In my 2 years of traveling around Costa Rica and Australia, I spent time on some amazing alternative farms where I learned about different healing modalities such as yoga, massage, herbs, and about essential oils. This opened up a whole new world to me, which I choose to explore more.
I went back to Denmark for a year to study Reflexology and nutrition. Not long after I graduated, I was off again to Costa Rica, where I spent another year living on alternative farms. Learning more about healing, spirituality, and myself. As life would have it, I met an Australian guy in Costa Rica and fell in love. I ended up back in Australia, where I’ve been ever since.
In my time here in Australia, I’ve studied and taught yoga for many years. I worked for Australian Bush flowers Essences, being given the opportunity to learn how to make flower essences and form a strong connection with the world of flower healing and Subtle Energy Healing Work.
Over the years, animal companions have always been a part of my life, such as my 2 rescue cats, Rasmus & Charlie. My amazing red cattle dog X Vishwah, who I adopted at the age of 6, was by my side 24/7 and came with me everywhere, even to all the yoga classes that I taught, where she was not only the perfect yoga assistant but also a profound healer.
In 2015 life surprised me in a very unexpected way, as life tends to do. I was invited to come and live on a 150 acres farm in the northern rivers of Australia. The lady who owned the farm was an animal lover and had many animals, from horses, dogs, chickens, rescue calves, and ducks. She also ran a small in-house dog-minding business and needed someone to help her run it. I moved into a little cabin on the farm that was an extension of the stables where the horses and the calves live.
I had landed in paradise. I was surrounded by animals, and I would often be minding anywhere between 2-6 dogs in my little cabin. Vishwah had sadly passed away 4 months earlier, and I had no companion animals of my own and missed having a soul friend by my side 24/7. I decided to adopt another rescue dog, and this time, it was the world of Greyhounds that literally came running into my heart and changed my life in such a profound way.
Mara was my first rescue greyhound, and she open my eyes to the wonder and beauty of these amazing creatures and also to the cruelty of the Greyhound racing industry. I was heartbroken when I discovered how these truly big-hearted dogs were (and sadly still are) being used, abused, and disregarded in most of the racing industry.
It invoked a deep passion within me to help these gentle, goofy, and sweet-natured dogs. I started to help foster and rehome unwanted greyhounds, and need I say that my love for these amazing creatures made the rehoming part very unsuccessful. Within a few years, I had a family of 6 greyhounds permanently living with me, which did not include the ones I still fostered and minded.
Again I wanted to enhance my skills with animals and go deeper. I looked into different mainstream animal courses and even started a few without completing them, as the mainstream education systems just didn’t sit right with me. Then I learned about something called animal communication…….. I was intrigued, and finally, something that resonated with me. I delved into different courses on animal communication and animal energy healing and started to learn, or should I say remember, how to communicate with animals.
In 2016 I met a shaman from Peru who introduced me to the healing world of trees and enhanced my knowledge of plants. Over the following years, I traveled between Australia and Peru, learning how to communicate and heal with trees, plants, animals, and nature. This was also a big part of my own healing journey, and opened and shined the light on my own natural gifts as a healer, intuitive, and animal communicator.
Today I am blessed to be using these gifts in my everyday life, working, healing, and communicating with animals and nature.